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Home Farm Primary School WEB READY 2

Welcome to our school's website

A very warm welcome to Home Farm Primary and our school website.

Home Farm Primary School is a two form entry primary school with a nursery. We pride ourselves on our caring and friendly atmosphere. Our school is a happy place, where children learn in a supportive atmosphere and all members of the community respect one another. We have high expectations for learning and behaviour. We encourage our children to aim high.

We are a central part of the community we serve. We love our diverse nature and enjoy celebrating the differences and the many things we share in common with everyone in our community.

We welcome visits to the school from prospective parents, applicants for jobs and others who have a professional interest in the work we do - we are always proud of what we have to show when people come to visit. Our visitors are always impressed with what they see.

If you need any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Mrs Joanne Poole

Home Farm logo New(1)

Family Support (out of school hours)

If you need support whilst school is closed (during holidays or weekends), please click on the link below for further information about services in Bradford.

FYI are a free, impartial service offering advice, information and signposting to children, young people and families within the Bradford district. Here you can find information and advice pages for all aspects of family life, a service directory and a guide to local activities and events. https://fyi.bradford.gov.uk/

However, if you feel a child is at risk of immediate harm please contact the Police or Bradford Children's Services on 01274 435400

School Tour


School News Feed
  • General
    22 July 2024
    Summer Holiday Family Support
    Summer holidays can be a difficult time – the pressure to keep children entertained can actually cause additional stress for families. So as the summer holidays approach, we would like to let you know about some of the exciting FREE or low cost events happening, and other activities and support available across our district over the summer. The fyi.bradford.gov.uk website has information and advice pages, a service directory and a What’s On calendar of free and low cost events. Just enter your post code and how far you can travel to find out what’s happening! One of this summer highlights will be 70 free fun day events in parks across the district. All the details are at What's On Search Page - Bradford FYI If you have a child or children with Special Educational Needs you can visit the www.localoffer.bradford.gov.uk website to find information pages and a service directory. Here you can also find the Parents Forum Summer Newsletter and the AWARE summer activities guide. Our Family Hubs continue to support families over the summer period. There is lots on offer including free sensory room sessions, school nurse drop-ins, school uniform swap shops, benefits advice, SEND support drop-ins, as well as coffee mornings and fun days…it’s all going on! To find out more go to the family hub timetables on the FYI website. As well as events and activities, the Family Hubs, which are welcoming centres located across the Bradford District, offer family support and advice, which can be a welcome lifeline especially when school is closed. You can email them any time or give them a call or drop in on a weekday for a friendly chat. For all their contact details, visit the family hubs pages on the fyi website. See the attached document for links to the information above We wish you a lovely summer break and we will see you all back in September.
  • General
    22 July 2024
    Parent/Support Group Leaflet
    Please find attached information for a support group for Supporting your child: Transition and return to school in august.
  • General
    3 July 2024
    Online Safety - Trolling
    The term “trolling” refers to sending hurtful or provocative comments – often done anonymously online – to provoke a reaction or cause emotional distress. Anonymity can embolden people into saying things they wouldn’t dare say in person. Euro 2024 and other tournaments tend to put an emphasis on this, with the abuse of both players and fans often increasing during such events. This free guide explores the phenomenon of online trolling, detailing its risks and letting you know how to safeguard children from this harmful behaviour. Some people online simply get a kick out of hurting people’s feelings, making it their mission to get a rise out of anyone they encounter. These people – known as “trolls” – are known for intentionally engaging in offensive or abusive behaviour to upset others online or provoke them into sinking to their level. At the height of events such as Euro 2024, when rivalries between various supporters reach an apex, trolling tends to see a bit of an uptick. Unfortunately, while “just ignore them” is genuinely good advice, it can prove very difficult to put into practice. This is especially true for children and young people, who are often still learning how to manage their emotions and sometimes react impulsively to name-calling and other mistreatment. See the attached guidance on how to keep youngsters safe from online trolling – both avoiding it entirely and responding to it effectively. As always, thank you for keeping our pupils safe online.
  • Important
    27 June 2024
    A letter from Mrs Poole
    Good afternoon everyone - please see attached letter with information about next year's classes. Can I thank all parents who attended our Sports Day yesterday - it was lovely to see you all! Many thanks Mrs Poole
  • Newsletter
    11 June 2024
    Please find attached our Summer 2 Newsletter.


16th July - Y6 Leavers Disco 6pm - 7.30pm

17th July - Nursery Beach Party 

22nd July - Y6 Performance for Parents - 6pm

23rd July - Y6 Leavers Assembly - 9.15am

23rd July - School Closes for Summer

3rd September - School Re-opens

4th September - Starling Class Commence Swimming Lessons

5th September - Parents Drop in NCMP 8.30am-9.15am

12th September - Hive & Y4 Forest School

12th September - Parents Drop in NCMP 8.30am-9.15am






15th October - Parents Evening 3.30-7pm

16th October - Parents Evening 3.30-5pm

23rd-25th October - Y6 Whitby Residential 

25th October - School Closes

4th November - School Re-opens

13th November - Individual School Photographs

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