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Links with Other Local Schools

Great Heights


Home Farm is a member of the Great Heights group of schools. The location of the schools stretch from Great Horton all the way up the hill to Queensbury. The other schools in this group are:


Brackenhill Primary

Wibsey Primary

Foxhill Primary

Hollingwood Primary

Russell Hall Primary

Shibden Head Primary

Stocks Lane Primary

Trinity Bradford


This group of schools have worked on a variety of projects this year. These have included:

  • Visits by the headteachers and senior staff to each others' schools to share best practice
  • Joint support for our newest teachers; those who are newly qualified
  • The Great Heights Times Tables Rock Stars Competition
  • The Great Heights Cross Country Competition
  • The employment of a Speech and Language Therapist 
  • Activities for Year 6 pupils to make their transition to Trinity Bradford and other secondary schools run smoothly
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